FCCS ClearEmptyBlocks

In the November Cloud update, Oracle released a new business rule in FCCS to clear empty member blocks.  This SHOULD somewhat help perfmance.  I haven’t tested it myself, but I’m certainly crossing my fingers.

It’s fairy easy to do from the web.  Select your scenario, Year(s), and Period(s).


But, what if you want to automate  this process?  You can do this via EPMAutomate.

For one period the command  would look like this:

epmautomate runbusinessrule ClearEmptyBlocks Period=Oct Scenario=Actual Year=FY17 

For multiple periods, the command would look like this:

epmautomate runbusinessrule ClearEmptyBlocks Period=Oct,Nov,Dec Scenario=Actual Year=FY17

HOPEFULLY I have just made your FCCS world a little better (or hopefuly faster?)






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